Welcome Grade 6's of Victor Lauriston

This site is intended to support our math program at school. It will contain lessons, and daily questions to practise at home. There should be a nice balance of drilled and problem solving mathematics.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Eqao part 3 ( 7 more to come )


1) 5x_= 30

2)Andy was 32 gumballs in a bag and he takes 8 without looking. The ones he took out 3 blue 2 red 4 yellow.From the gumballs Andy took out, Predict how many of each color are there in total.


3) A school needs 9600 pencils. The prices for pencils in 3 stores are showed below.

Store A sells 12 pencils for 10.14
Store B sells 8 pencils for 19.45
Store C sells 4 pencils for 25.69

The schools wants to be 9600 pencils from the store that sells 9600 for the lowest price. Which store sells 9600 at the lowest cost?

Friday, February 19, 2010

Test yourself with EQao part 2( 8 more parts coming)


3)Daniel makes a train that is made of 19 blocks. The train is made out of cubes and they are linked together .
Each cube is 3 cm x 3cm x 3cm.Daniel wants to paint it blue . For every 6cm it costs $1.25 .
How much money does he need to paint the whole train?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Test yourself with EQAO part 1(9 more parts coming)

You will need some grid paper.
Construct a parallelogram on a piece of grid paper that meets the following conditions.
1. 2 obtuse angles
2. 2 acute angles

You will need some grid paper.
Construct a hexagon on a piece of grid paper that meets the following conditions.
1. 6 obtuse angles
2. 4 side lengths of 8cm
3. the other 2 lengths cannot be 8cm

You will need some grid paper.
Construct a octagon on a piece of grid paper that meets the following conditions.
1.8 obtuse angles
2. 4 sides with side lengths of 9
3.2 with a side lengths of 7

Monday, February 1, 2010

Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers Lesson 5 Chapter 4

Note: Use the chart I have made that is on the left
1) Andy , Raymond and Mr. Graham are going camping for fun after our hard work. Mr. Graham gives Raymond and Andy 20 bucks each to spend to get stuff for the trip.

1) Andy buys 2 tacos and a pack of cookies. How much change will he have left?If he has enough change pick another item for him to buy. Show your work.
2) Raymond buys 3 cokes, 2 bags of chips and a taco . How much change will he have left? If he has enough change pick another item for him to buy. Show your work.

3) Mr graham buys 3 tacos and 5 bags of chips. How much money will he need?Show your work.

4)If Andy and Raymond do not use their change how much more money will they need to buy 1 of everything ?

5)How much more money would they need by using:






6)Andy used some an extra 110 dollars and buys 2 of everything on the chart. How much change will he have lefted?

Done by Andy.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Subtracing Whole Numbers Lesson 4 Chapter 4

' Note: Don't mind the lines i just need them to put the numbers in place.

1) Bob reserched the number of people who like tacos in canada and those who dislike eating tacos.
Year____________ ___1997 ___ 2005
# of people who like tacos ___9390 ___10900
# of people who dislike tacos _3922 ____4758

1a) In 1997 , how many people in canada liked tacos more then dislike tacos?
1b) In 2005 , how many people in canada liked tacos other then dislike tacos?
1c) Did you use mental math, pencil and paper or a calculator to calculate? Jusitfy your choice.
1d)Use addition or esimation to determine if your answers are reasonable. Show your work?

2) Calculate. Determine if your anwsers are reasonable . Show your work.
A) 5300 - 2679 = C) 96230 - 9235 =
B) 9500 - 5986= D) - 6969 = 60000

3)Mr graham was looking at all the players who tried to play in the world cup . There were 8000 people who tried. 925 players made it into the world cup . How many players didn't making it into the world cup?

4)In the 2004 Paralympics there were 5000 athletes. In the 2000 Paralympics there were 4267 atletes. Estimate and calculate how many more athletes were in the 2004 Paralympics then in the 2000 Paralympics .

5) Create 3 problems involving the subtraction of two multi-digit numbers. Solve your problems.

6a) Write down 2 four-digit whole numbers with four different digits. Rearrange the digits to make the greaest and the least four-digit whole numbers.
b)Subtract the 2 lowest number from the 2 greatest number. Estimate to check your answer.
c) Use your 2 answers from part b) to make the greast and least numbers. Repeat theses steps until you start to get the same number each time.
d) Subtract your final number from part c) to 10000.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Adding Whole Numbers Chapter 4 Lesson 3

1)Answer the following questions without a calculator:

2)Three kids collect baseball cards. Raymond has 359 baseball cards, Andy has 223 baseball card and Taylor has 129 baseball cards.
a)How many baseball cards does everyone have all together?

3) To raise money to help Haiti from the earthquake , Mr.Graham sold trapezoid cookies in a vending machine. The machines takes only dimes. There had been 10 machinesholding 500,320, 530,960,120,350,990,190,290 and 570 cookies.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Estimating Sums and Differences Chapter 4 lesson 2

When you are estimating when you round when its on the half way point or more its rounds up and if its lower then half it rounds done.
eg.) 5 gets rounded up to 10.

5)Raymond is making a chart but needs to know all the totals .


0-4 : 3512
5-14 : 5823
15-19 : 2242
20-24 : 4929
25+ : 19123

5a) About how many people in 5-14 and 15-19 together?
5b) About how many people more is 25+ then 0-4?
5c) About how many people are there in total?